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Warriors For Destiny

Wholistic healing and community for women of faith looking
to fulfill their destiny in business, ministry, and the home

Learn About Membership

Three Times I Pleaded With The Lord About This…

Are you a woman of faith who has experienced trauma?

You may be feeling pain, shame, and defeat. First things first, you need to know that your struggles are valid; to be clear, your pain makes sense in God’s economy! We were created for a plan and a purpose, and any deviation from that plan takes a toll on the core of our soul.

Yes, THis Sound Like This MemberShip Is for ME!

Are you encountering:

  • Doubt?
  • Toxic thoughts?
  • Anxiety?
  • Restlessness?
  • Sleepless nights?
  • Limitations from your childhood?
  • Habitual sin and generational curses?
  • A desire to “check out” on social media or other entertainment?
  • The fear that after all of your prayer and struggle, you will end up where you started?

If Yes, THis Sound Like This MemberShip Is for ME!

Trauma and hurt can feel debilitating, ever present as Satan’s reminder of the evil you have suffered in his quest to keep you from Kingdom work. Seeking The Lord’s face can feel difficult, isolating, or even impossible.

You may have sought counseling, prayer, and life coaching at certain points in your life. Maybe you’re even wondering if God can really heal you.

I want to let you know that not only is God able, but He is willing

Grass Withers, Flowers Fade; The Lord’s Word Stands

Sister, do we have a promise for you:

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” -Matthew 11:28

The Lord hears your cries, knows your hurts, and sees your scars. He wants to heal you.

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” -Psalm 147:3

At Warriors For Destiny, we understand what you’re going through because we’ve been there too. Since the days of the early Church, community has been a central tenant in Faith-based wholistic healing.

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” -Acts 2:42

In order for us to grow in our relationship with Christ, we need other believers in our lives who will encourage us, equip us, and challenge us to become more like Him.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” -Proverbs 27:17

If you are ready to be healed and set free from your trauma, KEEP READING!

Yes, THis Sound Like This MemberShip Is for ME!

Experience Divine Healing

Generational trauma can only be healed by God’s grace and power. Our community provides the encouragement, uplifting accountability, and long-suffering love women of Faith need

Warriors For Destiny offers:

Scriptural guidance
and Education

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Counseling led by the voice of the Holy Spirit

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Ministry in the areas of inner healing, physical healing, and deliverance

Join Warriors For Destiny Today!

Renewal in the spirit of your mind, freedom, and demolishment of mental strongholds

Join Warriors For Destiny Today!

Training and equipping for effective Spiritual Warfare as well as for your next-level discovery

Join Warriors For Destiny Today!

Warriors For Destiny was created specifically for women like you! We offer wholistic healing for those who have experienced life-altering trauma.

We believe that you are not defined by your past, but by God’s plan for your future.

Our goal is to help you break free from the chains of trauma and become equipped to victoriously war for your God-given destiny!

So, if you’re prepared to experience wholistic healing and start living victoriously, we welcome you to Warriors For Destiny!


WFD Is Unique, Called, And Made For You!

Warriors For Destiny is the only private, specialized, and spiritually-charged community of its kind. This is your key to ultimate spiritual healing and victory.

Our community will gird you up as you press into Christ; moreover, in receiving truth, revelation, and encouragement, you WILL conquer years of demonic oppression and generational curses.

We are called, justified, and qualified!

Yes, THis Sound Like This MemberShip Is for ME!

MEET The Creator

Hello, Warrior! I’m Angela Lowe, a trained Mental Health & Biblical counselor with nearly 20 years of experience in lifting women just like you into victory. I am an ordained minister currently active in 5-fold ministry. My passion is in helping women discover their spiritual gifts, talents, and callings through bible-centric coaching.

I am a certified holistic health coach with a storied experience in helping people mentally, emotionally, and physically grow through natural and biblical knowledge! My background as a daily deliverance and inner-healing minister equips me to walk with you through the cleansing process of claiming your calling.

One Stop. One Source.

Warriors For Destiny offers an unmatched, comprehensive experience. Gone are the days of stressful, discouraging a la carte spiritual healing journeys. All too often, women book up their weeks with separate counseling, life coaching, and spiritual guidance appointments

Unfortunately, their journey suffers from no continuity and time starvation.

We Change The Battlefield.

WFD’s community of Godly women shares your experiences and your trauma,

but we also have the solution. Led and ministered by Angela,

you will FINALLY experience all-encompassing and wholistic spiritual healing.


We offer ONE SOURCE for:

  • Targeted and specialized discussions
  • Support and help
  • Knowledge
  • Guidance
  • Homework for application
  • A spirit-filled space

You will finally experience deep and lasting healing through the power of God,

prophetic guidance, the Holy Spirit’s Presence, and God’s love – all within one community

Commit To Your Calling!

Invest in yourself today and experience community perks worth over $5700

  • Daily 3-minute live encouragement & Mind Elevation Challenge. [$199 value]
  • Weekly Scripture-based Therapy sessions. [$2999 value]
  • Question and Answer sessions. [$999 value]
  • Join the WFD community to fellowship, connect, and pray with other women. [priceless]
  • Bonus gifts and giveaways [$500 value]

You’ve finally found your eternal sisterhood.




Membership costs less than one private counseling session per month (Savings of over $400/per month)
Get additional help, guidance and support outside of your current counseling services for a more complete healing and transformation experience
Meeting your inner-healing, deliverance, counseling, and training needs exclusively in one place for one low price (Savings of over $1,500/year)


You’ll learn how to…

Get additional help, guidance and support outside of your current counseling services for a more complete healing and transformation experience
Expand your support and accountability partnerships through making new purposeful connections with other women of faith within the private community
Opportunities to join your measure of faith with other women whose faith may be stronger than yours to experience the miraculous!
Fellowshipping in the midst of pandemic with other powerful women from within the comfort of your home, office, or other private space
Continual opportunities to encounter the divine healing and delivering power of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
No social media stress, hassles or distractions

Pricing Plans


  • Daily 3 Minute LIVE Encouragement & Mind Elevation Challenge (weekdays only; replays available)
  • Weekly LIVE Scripture-based Stories & Study Therapy Session (in other words a specialized in-depth therapeutic bible study) (recordings available)
  • Monthly Fellowship, Fun & Networking Event
  • Monthly Deliverance & Healing Prayer Service (prayer requests accepted)
  • Quarterly Workshops (full of counseling, inner-healing, spiritual growth, and deliverance topics)
  • Bonuses:
  • Random Surprises, gifts, and give-a-ways!

Get Started

/ Yearly + 2 Month Free

  • …Everything included in Option 1 PLUS
  • Bi-weekly Small Group Healing, Deliverance & Accountability Coaching with Angela (addressing your specific needs; spiritual assessment included)
  • Bi-weekly ‘Ask Angela anything’ Q & A Sessions
  • Free Access to all of Angela’s Signature in-depth, Self-pace Courses (released within year of your membership)
  • Bonuses:
  • Random personal calls or video messages from Angela, specifically to you
  • One Private VIP Day with Angela and her team
  • Discounted services with Battle For Your Life Counseling Services

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