About Us

A Journey

Warriors For Destiny

Here at the Warriors For Destiny

Be Healed. Be Free. Be Epuipped. for Your Next Level!

Welcome to Warrior For Destiny – We are a groundbreaking and transformative community created for women of Faith, by women of Faith. The Gospel is not only saving, it is healing. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind; join a community divinely dedicated to growing holistically, breaking free from generational trauma, and fulfilling your next-level prophetic destiny.

To offer a Safe, Specialized and Spirit-filled online space which strategically supplements* traditional Christian and Biblical Counseling, whereby women at any stage of their spiritual walk can come together in faith to experience total healing, wholeness and transformation.

*Please note this community is not a replacement for mental health treatment of diagnoses, even though your coach is a licensed and trained mental health therapist.

Grass Withers, Flowers Fade; The Lord’s Word Stands

Sister, do we have a promise for you:

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” -Matthew 11:28

The Lord hears your cries, knows your hurts, and sees your scars. He wants to heal you.

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” -Psalm 147:3

At Warriors For Destiny, we understand what you’re going through because we’ve been there too. Since the days of the early Church, community has been a central tenant in Faith-based wholistic healing.

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” -Acts 2:42

In order for us to grow in our relationship with Christ, we need other believers in our lives who will encourage us, equip us, and challenge us to become more like Him.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” -Proverbs 27:17

If you are ready to be healed and set free from your trauma, KEEP READING!


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One Stop. One Source.

Warriors For Destiny offers an unmatched, comprehensive experience. Gone are the days of stressful, discouraging a la carte spiritual healing journeys. All too often, women book up their weeks with separate counseling, life coaching, and spiritual guidance appointments

Unfortunately, their journey suffers from no continuity and time starvation.

We Change The Battlefield.

WFD’s community of Godly women shares your experiences and your trauma,

but we also have the solution. Led and ministered by Angela,

you will FINALLY experience all-encompassing and wholistic spiritual healing.



‘ Who This Community is for Christian: ’

Women who have experienced all types of trauma** in childhood, adulthood or both and need supernatural healing
(**including Physical, sexual, marital, emotional or psychological abuse; Secondary trauma from your profession; unprocessed grief/loss) 

Women who recognize that their lives, relationships or health has been significantly impacted, limited and hindered by Generational curses or varying Demonic Mental Oppression

Women who want to grow and mature spiritually, emotionally, mentally and socially

Women who love Jesus and want to encounter Him in new ways

Women who may be currently in counseling, but want to accelerate progress

Women who desire to be in a spiritually-charged space where the Holy Ghost is free to be Himself through teaching, counseling, speaking and liberating

Women who have been called to Ministry, Business or Marketplace ministry who want to demolish stress, fear, anxiety and depression, etc. 

Women in all Professions and career path

Women who do not want to be alone in their healing journal as well as need guidance through “self-help journey”

Women who experience reoccurring negative thoughts, toxic emotions and feelings of unworthiness

Women who need a refreshing in their Spirit and mental elevation to move forward in their next level of destiny